Friday 1 December 2017

Christmas countdown

This morning we all went into the hall to decorate the Christmas tree. It was lots of fun.

We have been practising for our play Whoops A Daisy Angel.
"My favourite song is the snowflake song " Reece .
"I like singing Whoops A Daisy " Evie.
" Whoops A Daisy play is amazing!" Grace.

In maths we have been thinking about describing 2D shapes.
" 2D shapes are flat" Leo.
We have been using maths words like curved, straight sides, long and short sides, equal length.
We have been practising our curly caterpillar letters in our handwriting ( a,s, d, c, g, q) we could practise these at home. 

Next week we will be visiting St Mary's Church to learn more about the Christmas story.
Our home learning is to design a cover for our play.
Our Learning Owl this week is George who has been persevering with his learning. Well done.Have fun with Otto.


  1. Evie's favourite part of the week was seeing George get Otto to take home. Evie has been showing Mummy how to write curly catetpillar letters.

  2. We went to the Christmas market on Sunday - it was really mega fun.

    I liked doing maths this week at school.

    I wrote my Christmas list and practiced my letters.

  3. Maxwell is really enjoying the 2D shapes. He has been practicing deli gently and his letter writing too on his new easel!

  4. I loved decorating the school tree. I put my decoration near the top. On Saturday I went to get a tree with my Daddy and brother and we decorated ours on Sunday.


May Dance

We hope you all enjoyed the May Dance today.The children danced and sat beautifully and it didn't seem to matter that the sun wasn't...